Photo by: Park Stewardship Intern
Wild mushrooms shine on a rainy day on the Oakwood Valley Trail.
"It’s hard to believe that we are almost through with the first month of 2018. Despite progress on so many fronts, we had to cope with the Federal government shutdown. My deep appreciation to all of you for getting us through this challenging, confusing, and dramatic event."
The San Francisco Chronicle recently reported on the release of Coho Salmon at Redwood Creek in Marin County. Conservancy and NPS staff, along with other park partners, were featured. View the article and a short video below.
February 15: All Staff Meeting
Save the Date! The next All Staff Meeting will be on Thurs., Feb. 15, from 10 am - noon, at the Fort Mason General's Residence.
Is your office area looking a little cluttered? Don’t know what to do with all the recyclables piling up next to your desk? Parks Conservancy staff are invited to participate in our first Clean & Organize day of 2018! This is an opportunity to set aside regular work and prioritize cleanliness and organization. Lunch will be provided at 201 Fort Mason. Please RSVP to ensure we order enough food for all participants.
January 31 and February 6: Federal Jobs Boot Camp; Intro to LinkedIn, Resume and Cover Letter Writing
10 am - 5 pm. Although the primary audience is our academic interns, all interns and staff are welcome. Take a tour of the USA Jobs website and get an introduction of how to fill out federal applications, develop your resume, create a LinkedIn profile, and create and leverage a professional network. Click here to sign up for January 31 and here for February 6.
10:30 am - noon. 1249a Appleton St. To kick-off the nursery series, join Alisa Shor (Director of Park Nurseries) to learn what is involved in producing our native plant crops each year, including how we collect and treat seeds, spores, and cuttings for 400 plant species native to the park!
9 am - 3 pm. 1216 Ralston Ave. Brian Hildebidle (Assoc. Director of Conservation Research & Stewardship for the Presidio Trust) will lead this all-day field workshop on the different techniques involved in using willows for restoring riparian zones.
9 am - 4 pm. The Adult First Aid/CPR/AED course teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, head, neck, back injuries, heat and cold emergencies and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies for victims about 12 years and older. Successful students will receive a certificate for Adult First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years. There will be a few breaks to break up the class time and a mandatory 30-minute lunch break. You must arrive on time and stay for the full training in order to be certified.
This week we welcome three new hires who will be working at the Warming Hut and the Golden Gate Bridge!